Library of Practices
Access to our growing library of practices for the entirety of the Mentorship so that you can revisit practices, deepen, explore, and expand.
Let me guess, you are creative, sensitive, and multi-passionate. You are an insatiable learner, a lover of holistic modalities and you probably have certifications in a few. You feel best when you are tuned into your body, out in nature and with like-souled friends. You are adventurous, curious and courageous at your core... but sometimes all of your passions and practices get jumbled, you second guess yourself and you wonder how to hone your craft when you have so many.
I get it my friend, and I'm here to help.
See, I know you have the intuition, the skills and the passion. I know you care deeply about Somatics. You know that you are being called to step up and step into your role as a leader. You know that you were born for this and you also know that you don't want to do it alone... Well, the good news is, you don't have to!
When I say, "it’s better together", what I really mean is, it’s deeper, richer, more powerful and most importantly, more fun, together.
The Somatic Mentorship Program is a personal and professional development program to help you become more of who you are meant to be alongside committed and connected community.
I am a registered...
Master Somatic Movement Therapist (ISMETA)
Embodied Yoga Teacher Trainer (YA)
Somatic Stress Release Mentor and Practitioner (SSR)
Mind-Body Therapy Practitioner
Authentic Relating Trainer
Champion Freediver
Mother, Partner, Daughter, Sister, Friend
I trained under Dr. Scott Lyons, Founder of The Embody Lab and Myra Avedon, former director of the school of Bodymind Centering. I have led 10X Embodied Yoga Teacher Trainings at the 200 and 500 hr level. I continue to assist and mentor Somatic Stress Release programs with The Embody Lab in addition to my 1-1 Somatic Practice and Mentorship programs.
And for curiosity's sake: Born and raised in Canada, ripened in Indonesia, now blooming in Mammoth Lakes, California :)
The Somatic Mentorship Program is my answer to what I see missing in Somatic spaces. I have been studying, assisting and facilitating Somatic trainings for over a decade, as well as running my own 1-1 practice, and I have experienced and witnessed a deep need for more support, accountability, connection and supervision for those of us bringing Somatics into our lives and work.
We need a place to gather, to deepen our explorations, grow our practices, bring our curiosities, lingering questions, concerns and celebrations. We need more group support, more co-working and collaborative opportunities, and more conversations that include the whole body.
We need a place that offers belonging and encourages becoming who we were born to be.
And now we have it. The Somatic Mentorship Program is now open for enrollment and we want you in with us.
Need to talk it through? Book a free discovery call below!
Book a Discovery Call Now!All of this is possible for you. My approach has emerged from what I have needed to thrive personally and professionally and now I'm sharing it with you.
The Somatic Mentorship Program is a 6 month immersion in embodied living, leading and loving. We blend the best of group coaching, Somatic practices, 1-1 coaching, coworking and collaborative opportunities with business strategy and support so that you feel nourished, connected and excited to be in your body and walk your work into the world (more fully).
By the end of the program, you’ll…
No more doing it alone. No more maybe next year. No more procrastinating your life.
Because your body is the starting place.
We begin each month with an immersive Somatic Movement practice to help you deepen your relationship to yourself through your body, find ease, pleasure and freedom in your body, and learn new skills for your life and your practice.
In our Somatic Movement practices, you will:
Because you belong in connection.
Connect with others, cultivate clarity, gain confidence and refine your practitioner skills. Bring your personal questions and case studies, experience hot seat coaching and have eyes on and in your business.
In our group coaching sessions, you will:
Expert support in becoming yourself.
These 1-1 coaching sessions help you to go deeper into your personal process, integrate your experiences and adapt the program to meet your wants and needs.
In 1-1 Somatic Coaching with Kate you will experience:
A little bit of accountability for a lot of action.
No more wasting your precious work time down rabbit holes, "researching" the missing piece to your latest blog post or scrolling Social Media.
In our Co-working sessions you will:
Learn from Masters of their craft.
I am bringing in the best of the best, the ones who have a lot of lived experience, embody their truth, share their gifts and serve with humility and dignity. You won't want to miss these.
In guest facilitator workshops :
Highly personalized, experiential, exploratory and collaborative. We use a strengths-based, Somatic approach to coaching and connection.
This is not "just another program" that you enroll in and forget about. Everything in this Mentorship is lovingly curated for deep and meaningful growth. You will want to show up (for yourself).
You are an integral part of the whole. We trust in who shows up to co-create a deep and diverse experience in humaning together.
Whatever that means to you, we're going to encourage you to go after what you really want and how you want to feel in a way that is aligned, authentic and sustainable.
Access to our growing library of practices for the entirety of the Mentorship so that you can revisit practices, deepen, explore, and expand.
Have our eyes in and on your business. We audit your website or preferred social media account and offer expert feedback on aligned, authentic messaging and strategy. We believe that the more embodied and authentic you are in business (and life), the more satisfied and successful you'll be. We're also expert authenticity detectors and we will help you be more you so that you can do what you love more fully.
We believe in your desires. We believe in your success. We honor your circumstances and challenges, and we're here to see you through them.
We do not offer refunds and here is why:
Life happens. Things change. You change!
I get it, and I also know that all good things take commitment, consistency and support, especially in the face of challenge!
We are committed to creating the conditions for connection, community and collaboration. This means we show up and we encourage you to do the same.
You will not be reprimanded if you miss a session or show up late.
We will check-in on you. We will follow up with you if something big came up in a session. We want you to follow through because we care about you and your goals.
I get it, this is a commitment. It's an investment (if it helps, I've invested over 6 figures in Somatic trainings and mentorships and business masterminds). The truth is, having your own back and having some skin in the game is an unavoidable key to success and it is always going to be confrontational.
If you're waiting for "the perfect time", I'm going to be honest with you, there's no such thing. The good news is- you get to decide that your time is now.
You know what your year of big shifts boils down to? A decision to trust yourself, commit to yourself and go after what you want, every damn day, starting now.
Let's do this.
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